Thursday 2 August 2012

the usefulness of a technoplogy can be measured in proportion to its disapearance


At the end of this presentation, I should be able to have told you the definition of IT, its History and the impact it has on us. Mainly, I should have been able to determine the usefulness of IT considered in the following five dimensions:

·         Computers

·         Multimedia

·         Virtual Reality

·         Visualization

·         Automation

Information Technology – A Definition:

We use the term information technology or IT to refer to an entire industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or simply as Information Services (or IS). The information technology department of a large company would be responsible for storing information, protecting information, processing the information, transmitting the information as necessary, and later retrieving information as necessary.

History of Information Technology:

In relative terms, it wasn't long ago that the Information Technology department might have consisted of a single Computer Operator, who might be storing data on magnetic tape, and then putting it in a box down in the basement somewhere. The history of information technology is fascinating! Check out these history of information technology resources for information on everything from the history of IT to electronics inventions and even the top 10 IT bugs.

The impact/effect IT has on society

The influence of information technology on religious practices has mainly been to the effect of making information about them more accessible. The most relevant question though is whether the developments in information technologies have influenced the continuity of social attitudes, customs or institutions.

The usefulness of computers

IT is a very essential element that we use today to live, we communicate with friends and family over the internet in a short period of time.  Computers are very useful as they help us achieve the goal of communication. Btu first, let us clear the kind of computer we are to talk about.

There are a lot of computers In our life time, we have cellphones, digital watches, and even a simple calculator is a computer, of which, according to me, are useful gadgets.

Let’s share about personal standard computers. Even though, they seem useful, they actually pull it’s users into a virtual world making to forget the real one. There are plenty of examples how people die because of enormously long hours of playing virtual games. Moreover, sitting too much in front of a screen causes health issues not only physically but mentally as well.

However, if you know how to properly use personal computers you can find the true usefulness of them: the capability of watching movies, reading news, chatting with friends or enemies and so long and so far.

computers can really make people lives easier, but we cannot forget how simple it is to lose our minds while using them. Gadgets we have around us have to be used carefully. In the near future, I believe, there will be even better inventions that will not cause any health issues.

Computers cannot just disappear into thin air, smaller gadgets such as Ipads and cellular phones are to take the job and cry on with it.

Multimedia  related to student life and how it affect them

Activities offer fun and easy ways to get to know each other while also providing outlets for student creativity. A neat tool that works well for this is Voice thread. Students can use a computer web-cam to record a video of themselves and view other students videos, all on one page.

As a medium for learning pathology, tutorials based on interactive multimedia programs offer a number of potential advantages by comparison with traditional microscope-based classes. However, given a choice between computer-based tutorials, microscope-based practical classes, or a combination both, the majority of students prefer the combination(blended learning).

The computer-based classes were highly successful. Levels of peer interaction were very high and most students were clearly engaged with the material throughout the class. Many students elected to stay beyond the class time to explore the program further themselves. Comments often praised the programs “succinct and clear” or “easy to understand”.

Students for whom English was a second language were particularly pleased with these classes as they were able to work through the material at their own pace and were not reliant on hearing the spoken word of the academic-in-charge to learn. All students enjoyed the level of integration of material across disciplines and felt that the program “helped to draw things together”.

Coming to socialising on multimedia, of which is a thread attached to most young adults, is evolving and engaging more and more people to be attached and be an important link in that space, so multimedia is talked of day in and out, thus, to my opinion, is not going anywhere. People will still continue to talk about it for as long as there are social media companies that are available for the public to use.

Coming to a conclusion, the usefulness of IT in terms of multimedia is recognisable. It is very useful as it helps the live students to be easy

Usefulness of IT in terms of Virtual Reality

Computer-based virtual reality has been a common part of modern popular culture and technology for decades now. It is used both as a tool and also for entertainment purposes. The technology has many applications, although its importance may occasionally need some clarification.

Virtual reality is the creation of reality through a computer. The concept of virtual reality became popular with the public in the 1990s with movies such as "The Lawnmower Man." Now, it can be used in a variety of ways.

ICT has formed a virtual reality game-inspired technology that mental health professionals can use to help combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. The technology is not meant to be used on the patient, but will be used on college students majoring in mental health. The virtual reality simulates the war environment in Iraq and also gives the student an avatar patient to work with.

This shows that without IT, virtual reality could not have been as effective as it is today thus find that IT determines what virtual reality is and how we maintain it. This also shows us that for as long as IT is around, then virtual reality will still be in existence.

Usefulness of IT in terms of Visualization

Visualization is any technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message. Visualization through visual imagery has been an effective way to communicate both abstract and concrete ideas since the dawn of man.

Examples from history include cave paintings, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Greek geometry, and Leonardo da Vinci's revolutionary methods of technical drawing for engineering and scientific purposes.

Visualization today has ever-expanding applications in science, education, engineering (e.g., product visualization), interactive multimedia, medicine, etc. Typical of a visualization application is the field of computer graphics.

The invention of computer graphics may be the most important development in visualization since the invention of central perspective in the Renaissance period. The development of animation also helped advance visualization.

The use of visualization to present information is not a new phenomenon. It has been used in maps, scientific drawings, and data plots for over a thousand years. Examples from cartography include Ptolemy's Geographia (2nd Century AD), a map of China (1137 AD), and Minard's map (1861) of Napoleon's invasion of Russia a century and a half ago. Most of the concepts learned in devising these images carry over in a straight forward manner to computer visualization.

computers are useful to detect how the visuals are processed, so the above can be determined as the usefulness of IT in terms of virsualisation.

The usefulness of IT in terms of Automation

Delivering an IT infrastructure that has the intelligence to react automatically, IT Automation Solutions provide near real-time provisioning of physical and virtual server resources to address business demand variations based on time of day, reaction to service interruptions, unanticipated surge in demand or disaster recovery. Business benefits from the optimal use of all IT assets, while reducing capital and operating expenses, improving process, ensuring compliance, and eliminating time-consuming delays.

The IT Automation Solutions can be used for internal IT applications and infrastructures. There could be a combination of consulting services and solutions to help accelerate IT process improvement and automation initiatives, resulting in significant reductions in operational and capital expenses. We achieve rapid results through certified Global Process Standards. The result is a real-time infrastructure and reduced IT costs and business risks, greater service agility, and improved service quality.

We now find that IT is still useful in this automation

In conclusion, IT is a very vital faculty that has a significant importance on our lives and how we lead them. Thus more and more people are getting to be elites and use IT gadgets to their advantage.






·         Interactive Data visualization.foundations.Techniques and applications by Mathew Ward, georgesnGrinsteein, and Daniel Kleim

·         www.webpages.uida.ho

Wednesday 1 August 2012


At the end of this presentation, I should be able to have told you what internet can be described as and the impact internet could have on our lives and the way we do business, through the following 5 aspects and link them to the field of journalism:

·         Publishing & advertising

·         Electronics shopping

·         Entertainment

·         Education & training

·         Societal impact

The effect that internet has on our lives through different aspects


The internet in simple terms is a network of the interlinked computer networking worldwide, which is accessible to the general public. These interconnected computers work by transmitting data through a special type of packet switching which is known as the IP or the internet protocol.

The Internet has reshaped the way we live. There is very little of our lives that have not been affected as a result of the invention of the Internet. Communication is better than it’s ever been and the world is suddenly much smaller. The Internet is becoming a great way to do business and Internet marketing has become a huge method of providing Internet related businesses with exposure to customers

For the students and educational purposes the internet is widely used to gather information so as to do the research or add to the knowledge of any sort of subject they have. Even the business personals and the professions like doctors, access the internet to filter the necessary information for their use. The internet is therefore the largest encyclopedia for everyone, in all age categories.

Now, let me take you through how internet has impacted on our lives.

Impact on Publishing and advertising

Publishing is defined as, "the process of production and dissemination of literature or information.

Throughout the centuries, publishing technologies have continued to evolve. Technology has contributed to making publishing widely accessible and has aided in the reinterpretation of all aspects of society including how and when we interact socially.

Publishing technologies change the way a society behaves and communicates, because it is society which reacts to the environment

Scientific publishing (publishing on the internet) is currently at cross-roads in its development. In view of the World Wide Web providing a medium for the rapid and free spread of scientific information such as google and Wikipedia, the interests of the commercial publishers and the authors and readers are in direct conflict.

As technology advances, people get interested in the new electronic gadgets and what they can do to better their lives. Instead of people subscribing to newspapers like they used to do not so many years ago, they subscribe to online news letters that are send to them electronically every day and they could easily access them without lifting a leg to go buy a paper.

Internet advertising, also referred to as internet marketing, web-marketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet.

Internet advertising will account for a growing proportion of overall advertising expenditure. Moreover, advertising - and marketing in general - will adopt practices first developed or deployed on the Internet. As the technology improves, the impact of Internet advertising will increase and become easier to measure, and the gap between this new precise, interactive marketing capability and conventional "fuzzy" passive media will widen. Over the next few years, advertising agencies and consumer marketers will be under pressure to change their whole approach to marketing communications.

So to combine both the impacts of internet advertising and publishing, we see that they are both in the track of taking the old way of doing things such as hard copy and billboards into electronic advantage.

The impact that publishing has on journalism is very massive, both negative and positive. The bad side of it is that more and more journalists are being retrenched year by year because more of the work that they used to do physically is now done electronically. They companies do not need people to go out and do research about a certain topic, but simply goes to the internet to do such a research unless it is truly necessary to do so.

The good side is that, since more and more people are changing their way of living to suit the technological life that we live today, more and more online journalists are needed. But, unfortunately, with a condition which is that you work hard to overcome the many journalists in the field so that you may be able to make a living.

So more and more jobs will go online in terms of this two sub-headings thus giving a conclusion of saying that the impact that they have on our lives are positive since it suits both the recipients and the communicator due to the fluent usage of internet.

Impact on Electronics shopping (online shopping)

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet without an intermediary service. An online shop, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or shopping centre.

People can easily shop around the whole world without getting out of the comfort of their homes. To my opinion, I think that we should all evolve as technology does daily, that way, queues can be avoided, the congestion that shopping centres get to may be controlled. This will make SA an uncongested place to live in.

Online shopping is affecting the way we live and do business. The internet marketing companies are now asked a lot to market shopping centres so that their customers may know that they could get their products online and which products are available. So people buy what is available at the shelves of the shopping centres whilst in home.

The disadvantage of online shopping, though it may happen to a minority, you find that you receive something that you have not ordered or a product of lower quality that the consumer has expected. So buying what you cannot physically see has that kind of a disadvantage.

In conclusion of this sub topic, online shopping has indeed changed our lifestyle and the way we portray ourselves to one another.

How internet has an impact in Entertainment

ICT has impacted entertainment and leisure by enhancing the different ways in which we casually spend our time. With the use of these technologies, they ways in which we can entertain ourselves has dramatically increased.

The development of these technologies has meant that many people stay inside, watch TV, play online games etc. Therefore you could say that the amount of leisure activities that people do have decreased, with respect to the wide range of entertainment technologies.

Again, we look at the way it affects our lives. We do not have a lot of time go to places where we can get entertained. We can simply go online and get videos of films or music videos that we like to keep us entertained.

So that shows that we do not live like we used to anymore, We slack behind and do not have the necessary time to socialise with other people.

Another disadvantage is most likely to be seen in the film industry, however, it  has not shared in the same benefits that other industries have discovered doing business via the web. The majority of the Internet marketplace in entertainment actually consists of illegally pirated films. Many production companies are victims to the illegal downloading of movies through piracy.

The Oscar-winning film, “The Hurt Locker,” is a good example of a film that was negatively affected by the Internet’s impact on the movie industry. After only making $16.4 million domestically, producers of the film at Voltage Pictures sued over 5,000 Internet users for illegally downloading the film. This is the largest suit against piracy in the film industry yet .

In terms of journalism, entertainment on the internet is a business that is booming, they get to write about entertainment and get followers who are going to read their articles.

Impact of internet on Education and Training

The Internet has impacted education by expanding learning options for both the teacher and the student. It has helped change classrooms from being teacher centered into student centered, and it gives students access to people, information, and ideas immediately.

The Internet provides a wide variety of animations that can be used to illustrate a point. For example, students can see animations of molecular bonding, something they would not see otherwise.

Virtual field trips are also taken on the Internet. Teachers are able to show students places and things they would otherwise not have access to via web cameras, photographs and videos.

The Internet has also given students the ability to converse with experts via email, instant messaging and web conference. The experts can provide students with answers to tough questions, examples and demonstrations.

 In other words, the impact that internet has on Education and training is, in terms, positive and convenient to the environment or surroundings of today in a sense that learners, as they should, are benefiting from it all.

We also see that tests today can be written on the internet and get marks almost immediately for people who are doing distant learning.

When people are trained and they are allocated a job that they know little about, they can simply search on the internet so that they could be able to learn more about what is expected of them thus the effect it has on training is limited in terms of it being positive.

Societal impact by the internet

The Internet creates new ways for citizens to communicate, congregate, and share information of a social nature. It is obvious that the Internet has and will continue to change the way we live.

To spend a part of our day on the Internet is, for many people, quite normal. They use this kind of medium to get information about all kinds topics.

Maybe some of them are interested in chatting, probably they are members of a community. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it. Even if you want to have very specific information, you will find it in a short time. Normally, you often have to send a letter, than you have to wait for the reception of the reply, or you have to make some telephone calls and so on. In any case, the traditional way is the longer one.

Communities are now brought closer and closer by the internet as they could communicate via the internet with short costs. The way we live changed, people don’t need to visit friends in order for them to communicate with them, they could easily use webcams and instant messages to do so.

For many women, who some work I offices, their children are the main reason for staying at home. Nowadays this is not a problem anymore, they can do their work on their computer at home. Also men take this opportunity to work at home.

In conclusion,  the society is inter-connected and they are enabled to use the internet as it gradually becomes essential to use it.

Now journalists know where their readers are and they can write to them knowing where to get them, on the internet.

All of that I have covered shows a positive outcome of the emergence of the internet, thus informing us that it is very essential today to live in the presence, which is to stay connected with the rest of the world and do not become the missing link.

It also clearly states that we have changed from analogue to digital, though RSA is still in the process, however, we barely can, today, live without the use of the internet, just imagine 10 years from today where everything we do will evolve around internet.


·         Ziga turk, Univeristy of Ljubljana, Slovenia


· is impact of ICT on Entetainment

·         The impact of the Internet on our daily life. by Markus Temmel, Martina Theuermann, Eva Ukowitz, Tanja Vogrin.

· › ... › Science, Nature & How It Works

Thursday 19 July 2012

After months and months of preparation, TUT soshanguve choir show cased what they had for South African higher learning institutions. Though they did not win the competitions, they most definitely took the competition to all who were competing against them.

The competitions where organised by SATICA (South African Tertiary Institutions Choral Association) and took place at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology situated in the Western cape. The competitions started on the 02nd of July, 2012, where all higher learning institutions who were involved took part in the friendship concert.

The choirs competed amongst each other every day under different categories until the 08th of July when the competitions ended.

Congratulations for making it that far, you have made our campus proud

Wednesday 18 April 2012

2007-2012, still promises

2007 to 2012, STILL PROMISES!
Government must act on their promises
By Pelane Mabula

Ever since people have moved to Extension 26 of Olievenhoutbosch, they have been promised roads and proper infrastructure. Where are they? The community at large asks this.
The councilor Cedric Tsela, who is also a resident of Ext.26, have been bringing forward approvals from the government on the roads and infrastructure projects to the people ever since he has been elected to lead the Ward and told residents that the projects will be starting early January on 2012, it is almost the middle of the year now and there is still no constructions.
Who do we blame? The councilor has done his part on and following up on the necessary paperwork that should be processed, he had been able to obtain approvals and the acknowledgement of Olievenhoutbosch being included in the government development projects and their budget.
The officials in the other hand, are the ones who had given out the approvals, so, why are they not being implemented? Is the budget available for Olievenhoutbosch to start with their projects?.
These are questions that we as residents are asking ourselves and we hope to get answers from both parties.